Yes. Research Infrastructures included in the ESFRI Roadmap are automatically eligible for RSFF financing and are regarded as priority projects under the RSFF.
No. RSFF concentrates on good projects that have a sound financial profile – it is not a response to every financial need in research.
No. Projects with lower budget get cheaper loans via their personal (“house”) bank. Only projects with bigger budget (>35mio Euro) get the loan directly from the EIB. Research Infrastructures projects included in the ESFRI Roadmap are automatically eli...
RSFF financing can be used complementary to an FP7 grant, instead of an FP7 grant or for projects not involved in FP7 but contributing to the FP7 objectives.
Higher risk projects in the area of RDI, including:• Innovation investments• RTD activities, including those outside the scope of FP7 themes• Research infrastructures, including those without direct European interestEligibility criteria for using EU fund...
Enhance further investment in Research, Development & Innovation in Europe, especially in the private sectorImprove access to debt financing for promoters of research and innovation investmentsAllow for a larger volume of EIB (European Investment Bank...
Investment in R&D is crucial for Europe’s competitiveness and growth potential. Despite increased FP7 budget for 2007–2013 (€ 54,6 billion), there is a lack of funding for excellent and top quality R&D projects at EU level. Financial institutions ...
RSFF = Risk-Sharing Finance FacilityRSFF is a new and innovative instrument supported by FP7 to provide loans for riskier but creditworthy R&D projects by risk-sharing between the EC and the European Investment Bank (EIB).The EC and EIB contributions ...
Eligible are project capital expenditures intangible assets.Intangible assets are:Research staff costIncremental working capital requirementsAcquisition of Intellectual Property Rights
The RSFF targets private and public European research-intensive entities including SMEs and research infrastructures, larger companies, universities and research organisations, irrespective of size and ownership, which contribute to the objectives of FP7....
EC: Directorate B – European Research Area: Research programmes and capacitiesUnit B.04 – Regions of Knowledge and Research PotentialRSFF Sector• Jean-David MALO, Head of Unit, (02 299 38 42)• Martin KOCH• Marie-Cécile http://ec....