Unfortunately, they cannot. The Work Programme states that the support will be provided for Integrating Activities to ensure that European researchers may have access to the best research infrastructures.
It depends. Big infrastructures usually provide a whole range of services to different target groups. They have set tariffs for researchers who want to use the facilities for their research. Often, researchers from all over the world are welcome. For inst...
You apply directly to the access or service provider and agree with the institution on details: what you intend to do, when, for how long, etc. Be, however, aware that some infrastructures face heavy demand and introduce selection procedures and waiting l...
The simplest way is to go to this website. Enter the search term “Integrating Activities” (or “I3”) projects that offer trans-national access. Some “trans-national access” and “I3” projects funded through FP6 will be running until 2010 and offer access fr...
It is recommended that existing research infrastructures elaborate a communication and promotion strategy for the services they propose. The EC recognized that many infrastructures are not well known by the research community and that the challenge is to ...
Yes. The researcher who needs to store and process a large set of data will ask for the services provided by eInfrastructures in his/her region or by priority infrastructures which are on the FP6 list of the EC. The researcher will investigate about techn...