There is on one hand the total cost for operating the "installation" as part of the RI. On the other hand there are the calculated access costs to be financed via the RI project.Within the time frame where access is provided the cumulated access...
Capital investments are all investments that go beyond normal maintenance and holding your equipment up-to-date (for example in the e-Infrastructures projects standard upgrading of connections and server hardware is NO major investment whereas building a ...
No. Rental costs for buildings are not eligible as direct costs. Rental payments for buildings are normally included in the indirect costs. If an organisation declares "real indirect costs" as indirect cost calculation method but does not includ...
No. Access costs can be claimed only in I3 projects. Moreover, each I3 project must include 3 elements: networking, access, research. The Grant Agreement of CSA does not allow for access costs
Usually any investment in capital equipment is not funded, but in the case of the joint research it might be that a milestone in one of the research activities which is necessary to continue with further activities to improve the installation could be “mi...
No. There is no rule that you have to use time sheets. However, there must be a reliable way to measure the working time and it is strongly recommended to use Time Sheets or another form of documentation (paper or computer based form) to account for the w...
In the form to calculate the unit cost it is clearly stated that all contributions to capital investment of the infrastructure are not eligible for funding. This also excludes the depreciation of equipment from being eligible.
User fees (i.e. Unit costs) do not include travel and subsistence costs of the users. These have to be put into "other direct costs" (in column where also the Access costs are filled in). Consortia have more options of whom to give the money:- E...
Depending on the specificity of a research infrastructure, you have to define the “unit of access” being offered and indicate what is covered and included (e.g. preparatory work, specific training courses) in one unit. Describe the direct eligible costs f...
For Integrating Activities one has to use two different/separate methods for calculating indirect costs: a) for RTD and management the organisation has to use the regular calculation method of the organisation (real indirect costs, 20% flatrate or 60% spe...
The templates for the calculation of transnational access or services as well as other relevant information are available on the website:
Concerning the breakdown between partners there is no recommendation from the EC. Normally, partners offering Transnational Access or Services receive more money than partners active only in Joint Research Activities and Networking Activities. It depends ...
Regarding the access cost file "Calculation of the Unit Cost for Transnational Access":- What is the definition of "maintenance, utilities"? Do they differ from indirect costs?- What is the "total estimated quantity of access prov...
Travel costs and subsistence costs linked to “Trans-national access” are to be mentioned in the line "other direct costs", activity "support". Travel costs are included in the "direct eligible costs of providing access" - as ...
The travel costs (for workshops, meetings, etc. within the frame of the project) have to be put under "other direct costs". If the client uses a flat rate model it is correct to calculate the indirect costs of these direct costs. However, if the...
Connectivity services in the frame of e-Infrastructure Calls mean the Internet connection (in the majority of the cases). This passage states that upgrading of bandwidth or the installation of new server connections etc. is only funded with 50% of the tot...
There are two options/models for the financial participation of the partners from International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC): Option a) The lump sum (according to this should be declared an amount in which should be included all costs: direct and ...
Limits can be applied for each call. Please check the Work Programme.
First, it is important to distinguish between “Trans-national access” and “Service activities” (see Work Programme for more information). After specifying this one can talk about which costs are eligible (and which excel table one has to use for the calcu...